Where Creative & Nonfiction Meet: Advanced Feature Writing
Q: Why is conducting an interview like this?
A: To find out, register for Advanced Feature Writing, part of Ryerson University’s Magazine & Web Publishing program.
I’ll be teaching this advanced course beginning in September. Here’s what we’ll do:
- look at inspired examples of creative nonfiction
- develop more sophisticated techniques for generating and focusing story ideas that sell
- fine-tune long-form reporting skills (what Gay Talese calls “the fine art of hanging out”)
- deconstruct the four most common structural models that work for most long features
- write a long-form feature (many students have sold these to major market magazines and newspapers
These are what are known as “transferable skills.” Elements can be successfully applied in other circumstances in both the corporate and non-profit sectors. Registration is open now at this link:
(The prerequisite for Advanced Feature Writing is the introductory feature writing course, CDJN 117, so without having taken it you can’t register for my course. If you’ve done some journalism, write directly to me so I can see a couple of examples. So long as I feel you know the equivalent of what you would have learned in CDJN 117, I will issue a permission slip to register. [email protected]. Register early, preferably at least a week before the first week of classes.)